What is Greening Finance?

What is it? What does it mean for the future of finance? Get started here.

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Deja Vu

I traveled to a remote location in the northern US to visit where copper tailings, the residual copper waste left after copper mining, formed giant orange-colored sand dunes as tall as 2-3 story buildings. The tailings stretched on and on along the coastline until they disappeared in the horizon.  Until the 1970s in the United

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Taking Back the Narrative

I want a stable climate and so do you. Whatever our background, whatever our identities or biases, neither of us want an unstable, disruptive climate. Reaching that goal requires sustaining what works and changing what does not. We call this sustainability. Climate change creates an unstable climate, which misses our goal in a big way.

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The Four Buckets

While maintaining a stable, livable climate requires dramatically less fossil fuel extraction, processing, and combustion, getting to net zero emissions requires more than reducing supply alone.  This is doubtful because supply is where the incentives to curb extraction and culpability from excess carbon in the atmosphere seem weakest. After all, we have ample evidence that

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COVID-19 Needs an Airbag

While the purpose and intent of this site is to promote sustainable development through new and existing methods of finance, there are events that transcend such discussions and the global pandemic is such a transcendental event. Longer term challenges and solutions that our profession can offer to important issues like climate change sometimes need to

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What is Greening Finance?

The Process Finance is “money management and the process of acquiring needed funds.” [investopedia] Greening Finance is applying longer-term sustainability and social stewardship within activities associated with banking, leverage or debt, credit, capital markets, money, and investments. It can be applied to personal finance, corporate finance, and public (government) finance just as academia and professions

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